Friday, October 28, 2011

Waste to Energy?

Waste to Energy (WTE) & Biomass in California

Californians create nearly than 2,900 pounds of household garbage and industrial waste each and every second; a total of 85.2 million tons of waste in 2005 (according to the California Integrated Waste Management Board)! Of that, 43.2 million tons is recovered and recycled or used to make energy, but 42 million tons has to be disposed in landfills. Thanks to advances in technology, waste known as biomass, is put to valuable use producing electricity.
In 2007, 6,236 gigawatt hours of electricity in homes and businesses was produced from biomass: burning forestry, agricultural, and urban biomass; converting methane-rich landfill gas to energy (LFGTE); and processing wastewater and dairy biogas into useful energy. Biomass power plants produced 2.1 percent of the total electricity in California in 2007, or about one-fifth of all the renewable energy.

Why is biomass electricity important?

Using biomass to produce electricity reduces our reliance on fossil fuels, the nation's primary energy sources for electricity, and the largest contributors to air pollution and greenhouse gases. We will eventually run out of fossil fuels. Biomass electricity offers alternatives with many benefits:
  1. Our supply of biomass is renewable, meaning it will not run out.
  2. Electricity produced by biomass reduces the threat of global climate change.
  3. Using biomass waste eliminates the need to place it in landfills.
  4. Clearing biomass from wooded areas helps prevent forest fires.
  5. Using by-product methane gases to produce electricity eliminates odor and reduces air pollution in surrounding areas.

American Standard Renewable Energy Corp...
We ASRF are a Development, Management and Holding Company. We have developed a combined technology process to co-locate four separate, existing, proven, profitable, operational, American Made technologies, at a single site to be known as an Energy Center. 
These four, all EPA approved technologies will all be located together in one site; yet they will each operate completely independent of each other to process every form of waste, trash, rubbish and/or debris that is delivered daily to a landfill. By co-locating these technologies together we can add our own proprietary CNCT efficiency technology and significantly improve the operation of each process and therefore of the complete Energy Center. One cannot achieve the same levels of efficiency and profitability without combining the processes at a single location.
Process #4 of ASRF Energy Center is the heart of the entire operation. We propose a 2000 ton per day Plasma Arc Gasification plant that will produce 110 MWH of electricity and some other by products including vitrified glass for industrial use and Rockwool insulation production, co2 and other miscellaneous products. A 2000 ton per day facility may have as many as 14 X 200 ton per day Gasification Chambers. 
The end result is that we utilize all the waste that comes into the landfill, absolutely everything! We turn all that waste into clean green renewable energy and bio fuels. We have absolutely no waste and we create no measurable pollution of our own. Our facilities will be completely certified by one of several recognized and verified companies that we produce no waste or pollutant gasses and therefore we shall be classified as a net Carbon Credit producer generating millions of carbon credits annually from the inbound waste that we eliminate and along with the tons of green house gasses that we prevent from forming over the rotting life of the landfill.